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Our hearts are always touched by appeals on behalf of the Muslim’s poorest children. There are millions of children in India, struggling to survive without enough food, clean water, medical aid, or even proper shelter and Education.

The fact is that most of us have an abundance of food, Material goods, and the Best Education. We do like to help. But how can anything we do make a difference? Dealing with global inequalities is beyond our abilities. We have to trust our politicians to do what is needed. But on an individual basis, surely there’s something we can do?

Perhaps you are considering adopting or sponsoring a child in need. Those who adopt a child must take on responsibility for his/ her needs for the rest of the education. For those with the determination to battle through Quality Education /Equal Distribution of Knowledge, adopting a child program can be a rewarding experience. It costs very little but can achieve almost miraculous joy and hope.

Through choosing to sponsor a child, a compassionate person gives a desperate talented child to complete the education. To sponsor a child, a person simply pays a modest, fixed sum very Year through a respected child sponsorship organization. An important part of the choice to sponsor a child is the unique relationship between sponsor and child. Once the link has been made, the relationship grows with letters and there is often the opportunity to visit the child in his /her home. It is very rewarding for the child sponsor to know that contributions change a child’s life forever.

Respected Br. last but not least I humbly request to your good self if you or your esteemed Organization are ready to work in North Karnataka, then we will welcome your organization and be ready to work under the name and banner of your esteemed Organization with our full and whole-hearted co-operation (in the shape of branch, affiliation, or as your committee decide). We are interested in working to uplift the very backward and neglected Muslim Ummah in this part of the world and only & only need a reward from Almighty Allah Subhanahu- wa – Ta’ala on the Day of Judgment.

I once again humbly request your good self to please come forward and extend the hand of cooperation to save Muslim Ummah in this part of the world. Please convey my Salam to your family members and co-workers.